Christina Lacy
(315)733-7500 ext. 2329
All financial matters for the Town of New Hartford are handled by the Town Finance Office. The financial matters cover the following:
The Town’s Accounting records on all financial transactions are maintained in this office. This includes cash receipts (Accounts Receivable), cash disbursements (Accounts Payable), paying invoices in accordance to our Purchasing Policy, bank statement reconciliation, note and bond principal and interest payments. The office is also responsible for Fixed Asset records.
The Town’s Finance Department is responsible for preparation of monthly financial reports for Town Officials as needed for the Board Meetings and outside sources requesting financial data such as auditing companies.
The Town’s Finance Department is responsible for developing an annual Town budget through all of the required stages. This involves working with all Town Department Heads along with the Town Supervisor and Town Board Officials to create a budget for preliminary presentation and final approval.
Invest idle cash funds and borrow for long and short terms for capital projects.