Public Records/FOIL Requests
The Town of New Hartford operates under an open government philosophy and is committed to providing public access to our records in accordance with the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Please see the guidelines below regarding requests for information.
A request for public records held by the Town of New Hartford must be made in writing and submitted to the Town Clerk’s office. A submitted letter or email will suffice, but for requests of a lengthy or sensitive nature, or requests that require research to find, we suggest using our foil application form. The form is available in our Town Clerk’s office or online here . If you are not sure how to describe the record you wish to review, please contact Town Clerk Cheryl Jassak-Huther at (315) 733-7500 or via email at .
Please note under FOIL some records are not accessible; these include certain draft documents or internal records, and disclosures of information that would cause an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, would interfere with law enforcement or a judicial proceeding, or disclose a confidential source, trade secret, etc.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests can be made to:
Cheryl Jassak-Huther, Town Clerk
New Hartford Town Hall
8635 Clinton Street
New Hartford, NY 13413
As provided by law, the fee for standard-size black and white copies is $0.25 per page; charges for color, oversized, or digitally scanned materials will be based upon the cost incurred by the Town to reproduce the materials and will be disclosed prior to providing the materials.
We are committed to providing a timely and accurate response to your request and appreciate your patience while staff access the information needed. Once we receive your request, you will be contacted within five (5) business days and advised if your request has been approved or if any portion of it has been denied. At that time you also will be informed as to whether the record is readily available (meaning it will be provided to you within 20 days or less), or if the record is available for disclosure but cannot be immediately provided.
If the record cannot be immediately provided, you will be told why and given an estimate as to how long it will take to produce the record for you. If any portion of your request for a record is denied, you will be given the reason for the denial and informed of your right to appeal in writing.